T H E   U N I V E R S A L   M I N U T E S   S Y S T E M

Hey y'know what we're all common peops. We don't need big mumbo jumbo words to express ourselves and our ideas. So this is what I got a'ight. It seems like everywhere in the world the minutes are the same...the hours are different depending on what timezone but everything else is all good. So why don't we just have a universal minute system where basically you can never change the minutes of a clock. And why would you? It ain’t changing dear. Yeah there'll still be a minutes button for setting your alarm clock but only for that. Then you'll always have the right time. Sure I suppose then you can never blame your watch for being a few minutes behind when you come to your work-related meeting late. But then y'know what? At least you'll know what the correct time is always and forever so you won't have to worry about being late to a meeting cuz your watch won't fail you sir/madam. Nope.
But so this isn't going to heal the world of all its pain. People will still cut in line at the movie theater and the person in the stall next to you in the public bathroom will still being talking on his/her cell phone. But what we need to do is just take small steps. And eventually it'll get better. Take for example the First Federal Bank (member FDIC) located at the University Square in Madison. Well just last year they didn't even employ tellers there. You couldn't just go in and deposit a few checks or withdraw a few Franklins. But y'know come first semester 2001-2002 lo and behold they had more than just ATMs there. You can go in there with more than a PIRN number (Personal Identification Redundant Number number). Now you don't have to walk all the way to the capitol to withdraw money from First Federal. See small steps peops. Yeah so the Universal Minute System is just one small step to making the world more efficient. Y'know Ladies and Gentlemen of Earth that is the simple answer to the pain of never knowing exactly what time it is. It's not that complex. Had it been then I would've used like very very big words to explain the concept. But I figured keep it simple cuz y'know it really is that simple.

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