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Hey so there are like schools/universities that are flagships. Like the head honcho in that particular state. It is a public university so yeah you/the 'rents don't have to sell your/their soul(s) just to pay for the first two years. It is usually not located in the state capital nor is it located in a extremely populated city. Of course there are exceptions like Minnesota but sheesh they can't even get their own separate website from the lesser Minnesota schools. And well um yeah the littler schools so wish they could be the flagship U. Mostly becuz they always have to say the city name when identifying the (little) school that they attend. But see at the flagship school ya don't have to. Nope. Alls ya gotta say is The University of {state name} or {state name} University. It's that fucking simple. What a wondrous life! But yeah saying the city name for a flagship school is both unnecessary and subject to ridicule by me FlAgShIp MoLy. It is very extremely redundant. And well this flagship business is muy importante. And also v[ery]m[uy]c[ool]. It was worthwhile spending three hours on a Friday night in an Old Country Buffetesque dining room hatching an imcomplete but accurate list of flagship schools. P.S. I'm lame. P.P.S. [Editor's note: So if you've already delved into that massive list of flagships, and were wondering what exactly the "proof of flagshipness" link was all about (and I would be wondering too, if I didn't have special access to special information), here's some clarification: we're assuming a lack of trust, that you won't believe us when we tell you that a certain school is flagship, so we're linking to some institutional (and therefore true, right?) site, in which, somewhere, there is proof of the flagship-status of the school...you might have to do some scrolling, though. Or if you're really clever, you can just do an Edit: Find on page: flagship. Or you can just take our word for it. We're nice people, really.] |